

Portal de Aprendizaje

"Cree en ti mismo y sigue luchando"

Connect your Whatsapp

Connecting your online store with WhatsApp can open up new opportunities to interact with your customers, provide better customer service, and increase your sales. But WhatsApp is only a tool, and to fully leverage its potential, it is necessary to

How are Whatsapp messages delivered?

Surely, you have wondered how the WhatsApp messages work that reach your customers when they abandon their cart. Well, today I’m going to tell you all the secrets so you can make the most of this tool in your online

Abandoned carts Recovery process

Learn how it works and how to use our abandoned cart recovery system

Whatsapp and Abandoned Carts

Proceso de Recuperación de Carritos Abandonados

Recuperá los carritos abandonados de tus clientes

Cómo llegan los mensajes a WhatsApp

Los mensajes no se envían a cualquier hora como si fueran spam. ¿Y por qué? Pues porque no queremos molestar a tus clientes a deshoras. Los mensajes le caen al WhatsApp de tus clientes solo durante el horario que tú

conectar whatsapp web

Conecta tu WhatsApp

Puedes conectar el WhatsApp de tu sitio web a nuestra plataforma. Lo mejor de todo es que lo puedes hacer de una manera sencilla y rápida.

How to Interpret My Sales

Have you scratched your head wondering if all this marketing is really making yo...

What are “Logs”?

Learn what are the Notification "Logs", where to find them and what they can be ...

How do I check the recovered visitors?

How to check the recovered visitors statistics and each channel

Where do I see my Sent Notifications?

Where to find and check your sent notifications and their statistics.

Brand Reminder

Edit messages and Check statistics

Learn how to edit messages sent in Notifications and check statistics on every n...

What is Brand Reminder?

Learn what is Brand Recall, how to maximize it and why it works!

Setup my Brand Reminder messages

Learn how to setup and check your Brand Recall sequence statistics

Learn More About NotificationButton

In this section, you will find guides on what NotificationButton is, how it work...

Get to know the app

If this is your first time navigating our app, welcome! I will help you get a fi...

NotificationButton vs other Platforms

Why choose NotificationButton?

By putting our code on your website, you will be trusting us and how we protect ...

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